Sunday, September 4, 2011

To All the Local Plagairists

To all the local plagairists
I dare you to copy this
For if you do I swear to you
You will be found and rightfully dismissed

For in this poem
I shall leave clues
To let them know who
Wrote the words you use

For Theresa Johnson
Is my name
Writing poetry
Is my game

My Poetic Heart
A blog of mine
On that page
A poem you will find

The poem is a letter
I had chosen to write
To all the local plagairists
I guess I might just win this fight.


  1. Plagiarists be damned. Good luck with that fight. It's a never ending battle, my friend :)

  2. Well said. I hate people who just copy other's work! Hope you will find out who it is.

  3. Go girl - You tell 'em T - Don't go messing with me! ;-)
