Thursday, September 8, 2011

To My Husband

Kiss me
Let me know you care
Hug me
Let me know you're there

Love me
As only you can do
Care for me
And I will always love you

Speak to me
In loving words so true
Listen to me
As I will always listen to you

Love me forever
Please never go away
For I will love tomorrow
Twice as much as I did today

I love you
More with each and every day
I hope you always have happines
And will always want to stay

You are my husband
And my best friend
I was lucky enough to find true love
And I hope it never ends



  1. I'm sure he already knows he's a lucky man T - but you've now told him the best way you can.

  2. Ah I wish I had someone that could write poetry about me. Your husband is very lucky to have you! And I am sure he knows it. Keep up the good work.
